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Management Principles

Company Policy

Work in order to put a smile on the face of our customers by realizing their wishes.

Aiming for prosperity of the company, employeefs happiness, the prosperity of affiliated companies and correspondent firms, creation of new technology and contribution to society.

Management Principles

  • Shirasaki Manufacturing Co. Ltd. is a collection of like minded professionals with the same heart for the same purpose.

  • We should have sensitivity; emotion is a source of passion and passion is the starting point for success.

  • Donft be pessimistic in the face of adversity.? Donft be overly optimistic in favorable circumstances.? Always be ready and eager for a challenge.

  • Keep striving to reach your goals.? Reaching the end is everything.

  • Donft give up, give your work everything you have.

  • Be humble and always be appreciative.

  • Share others' joy and sadness.

    Be conscious of finding and addressing any issue that could lead to the next business opportunity.

  • Perseverance is strength.? Working hard day by day produces trust, and trust increases our strength.

  • Act positively and proactively yourself before making complaints.